We offer an array of co-curricular activities, lunchtime clubs and opportunities to participate in local and regional sporting events, and art and performance events. These are some of the activities students can get involved in.

We have a dedicated sport teacher through GOT GAME who is an elite athlete. The sport teacher trains and supports students to participate in local, regional and state sporting events.
Students have the opportunity to compete in:
- School sport
- Regional and state competitions
- Sports gala days – netball, touch football, soccer
- Swimming
- Cross country
- Athletics

Each week we have opportunities for students to work with our skilled music teacher. Students also have the opportunity to participate the following activities:
- Band (external provider)
- Junior and senior choir
- Christmas story art competition (Stage 3)
- Mini maestros competition
- Christmas story musical

Public Speaking, Debating and Spelling Bees
Our school participates in inter-school public speaking, debating and spelling competitions to build on and create oral confidence and proficiency.

Gardening and Outdoor Education
Our nature filled environment and newly added wicking beds allow students the opportunity to work with a mentor to learn about sustainable gardening. At OLA we have a dedicated outdoor educator who is passionate about taking the classroom outside and incorporates a number of learning outcomes from other subjects such as health and physical education, geography, history, science, mathematics, english and art. Students have the opportunity to engage in the following activities:
- Gardening
- Composting
- Environmental stewardship.


